Thursday, April 29, 2010

New Project: Oddisee Music Video

I'm officially directing a new music video for a song featuring the UK artist Tranqill produced by one of my favorites, oddisee. It's for a track off of oddisee's last seasonal EP and won't be a hip-hop video in the typical sense. It'll be more or less (as my good friend Skylar put it) an animated version of something you might find in an Ezra Jack Keats book. Here's a couple of collages that I put together that will get the animated treatment:

... mmmm bleak!

Speaking of not-so-typical hip-hop videos, if you know me then you know I really enjoy Ghostface Killah of the Wu Tang Clan. A lot. I don't really know what I'd ever do if I met the man face-to-face (probably go buy a new pair of pants), but here's a classic from his 1999 album Supreme Clientele. Who else can eat an ice cream cone like that and still retain his... swagger?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Hey everybody! I migrated everything over to different servers.

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More Hand Drawn Animation

Still trying to get the cobwebs out, people...

I wanted to try something a little more loose and exaggerated... it's not the cleanest thing ever but I did have fun with stretching parts of him out in the in-betweens.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday Love

"You can find better stories in books and movies. Better illustrations in magazines and on book covers, richer characters in Dickens and in classic sitcoms. Where else can you get get magic moving eye candy but in animated cartoons when they are in top form? - and why do so few places and people want to give it to you?"

-- John Kricfalusi

I was watching Mickey and the Beanstalk last week for some visual reference for a project and loved this scene with Donald flipping his sh*t due to starvation. Check out this pose. Personally I think they could've taken it a bit more extreme but then it might've started looking a little too Warner Brothersy. I do love those fingers!

Also for a sidenote, sometime between now and this Saturday I have to migrate this blog to another URL due to Google severing support for blogger-based blogs hosted on other servers. If it goes down, just visit and you will kindly find direction there.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Happy Friday!

Here's a chipmunk dressed up as a cop.
Maybe you'll see it on TV, maybe you won't.

UPDATE: You won't.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Today I Made a Man Sneeze

It has been an embarrassingly long time since I've done any hand drawn facial animation, so I made the most of a slow day and had a chance to clear out some cobwebs.

More to come!